Web Development

The first ever website I created was when I was in sixth grade, which would have put me around the age of 11. It was your typical random angelfire website that I used to spout off a bunch of things that I liked. I wrote the entire thing in the angelfire web builder and eventually started to learn all my HTML tags. I think within a year I had switched to the advanced mode which was essentially just a notepad document of HTML. I've been building website from pure HTML for years before ever stepping up into any sort of WYSIWYG editor. Web Design was only a hobby for me throughout the course of my life but in the last years it has become my primary profession.

Burke Map

Burke Interactive Map

Responsibilities: HTML, CSS, Javascript
Description: A map with waypoints that when hovered will pop up information about the art in the area. If a waypoint is clicked an overlay will appear showing more information. Arrows on the overlay allow you to navigate to corresponing waypoint items.
Employer: Tag Creative, LLC
Car Care Windows 8

Car Care Windows 8 App

Responsibilities: XAML, C#
Description: Worked with another developer setting up XAML layout, page transitions, on device storage, and base functionality. KB Productions provided all math equations and vehicle data.
Employer: Tag Creative, LLC

It is difficult for me to show off all of my most recent development projects because so many of them aren't accessible to the public. This website is going to serve as a platform for me to show off various web development tricks. Maybe give the Konami code a try while your here (make sure your sound is on).

Code Snippets

Pure HTML and CSS Sticky Footer

This is code for a footer that will sticks to the bottom of the page but if the content of the page reaches the bottom it will push the footer down. This code works in all current browsers and all the way back to IE7. The code is CSS and HTML only.

View and edit in JFiddle

Pure HTML and CSS Background Stretcher

Have you ever wanted a background image on your website that fits your browser screen and grows and shrinks as you resize the browser without using javascript? Well here is the code to do just that!

View and edit in JFiddle

Jquery More or Less toggle based on Word Count

This tool will count the amount of words in the paragraph containing the class 'paraphrased'. If the paragraph has more than the amount of words specified in the jquery then the paragraph will be cut at that word and '...' will be added with a link saying 'More' that allows you to view the rest of the paragraph. When the paragraph is expanded the 'More' link changed to a 'Less' link that will allow the user to condense the paragraph.

View and edit in JFiddle

Dynamic Pop up tool tip on hover

The code will generate a tool tip above an objet that you have added the 'tip' attribute to. When you hover the tool tip will appear, when you hover out it will disappear. It is similar to the tooltips I have attached to the menu at the top of my website!

View and edit in JFiddle

Web Design

All of site sites below were design by me. Hover over the images to view more information.

KTG Leadership Solutions

KTC Leadership Solutions

Responsibilities:Design, Layout
Description:Clean modern wordpress website for life coaching solutions.
Employer:Carl Thomas IV
Kyles Heart Foundation

Kyle's Heart Foundation

Responsibilities:Design, Layout, HTML, CSS, PHP, JS
Description:Heart health and scholarship website for the Kyles Heart Foundation. Site includes upcoming events, donation portal, media, and various information regarding the foundation.
Employer:Kyle's Heart Foundation
Tempe Real Estate Guide

Tempe Real Estate Guide

Responsibilities:Design, Layout, HTML, CSS
Description:Real Estate website using MLS listings content to come up with SEO keyphrases. Designed in photoshop with emphasis on trendy housing.
Employer:Dynamic Page Solutions
Dallas TX Real Estate Guide

Dallas TX Real Estate Guide

Responsibilities: Design, Layout, HTML, CSS
Description: Real Estate website using MLS listings content to come up with SEO keyphrases. Designed in photoshop with emphasis on Texas style.
Employer: Dynamic Page Solutions
Year: 2008